Friday, September 26, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
The Umbrella
Once I was listing out a couple of objects around us, used by us, which haven't undergone major design changes over remembered time and the Umbrella was the first to pop up in my mind. Before I could even write about this "Evolution Stagnation" of the Umbrella I wanted to confirm if I am correct, so I googled for two kinds of Umbrellas, one, for the most modern ones available in the market and two, for the ancient ones documented.
The most modern umbrellas available can be found here and the oldest documented can be found here and I was correct, Umbrellas haven't evolved at all for over centuries together. There can be two explanations for this 1) The design of the Umbrella has been almost perfect for the need it was developed for, from the time of its invention, that it required no design development.
2) The need for its existence and further development has been overridden by many other inventions.
1) The Umbrella is a perfect cover from Sun and Rain when used over a short period of time and distance.
2) Humans donot have the need to use it for over a long period of time or distance as cars and other covered vehicles have taken over the job of the Umbrella.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Monday, September 1, 2008
Never have I been so impressed by a cowboy movie trailer, till Appaloosa came by today. I googled and found out that Appaloosa was a horse breed with leopardish spots on it, the name sounds red indianish though. There were 2 or 3 1970 hollywood movies as well in the same name. Appaloosa (2008) is what I am talking about.The impressive thing about the trailer is that it has been very well edited to showcase the crisp and superb dialogues in the movie. check this out for a sample
Man to Virgil Cole: You shot three of my men
Virgil Cole: As a matter of fact I only shot 2, Mr Hitch here shot the other one.( To which, hitch raises his peg of whisky in acknowledgement)
If you watch the trailer, every dialogue in it is thoroughly enjoyable, as I did.The Dialogues in the trailer gives a certain cowboy cool about this film. As a finishing touch to the trailer there is a dialogue which I am pasting here, I was so impressed by it that I have added it as my signature in my mail.
Virgil Cole : You afraid to die?
Man : I ain't afraid
Virgil Cole : Good, cos you go first!
I reckon this movie should be a good one that would show that good dialogues are as good enough as expensive graphic simulations that mostly adron movies these days, I feel the trailer is a proof. I am waiting to watch the movie.
The Trailer
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Capitalistic Yoga
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
A Sleepy Afternoon and my blog
Gaurav, me and our Pinewood walks
So, I put on my jacket and went out all by myself braving the cold and the wind. Usually when I'm bored in the afternoons I go out with gaurav to the pinewood shopping center near my office. At Pinewood we usually pick up some fruits or our calling cards and go for a stroll around the shopping center before coming back, but today Gaurav was very busy with the bugs he had to fix and was looked a bit worried as well( all in a software programmer's life), so I thought I shouldn't pester him to come along and left him to the mercy of the bugs he had to fix and went out for my walk.
My blog, My outlet
The walk lasted for a short while becuase of the high winds and I had to retreat back to the warmth of my office. Still not in a mood to work and too bugged to read rediff.com, which I usually do when I am bored I realised I could write my blog instead. Writing was not a suddenly found love, it is forgotten love I should say. I am not trying to say that I was a great writer with volumes of posts and articles, just that I have always liked to write and now I'm just trying to rediscover this long lost love, somehow I feel now after writing about nothing in particular in this blog that I feel elated and comforted. I just realised that writing is a great way to just be back to your own self. Anyways this blog has helped me fulfill a unannounced declaration by me that I will see that I keep my blog active by writing more, so thats that.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
A Day in Melbourne - The Lord of the fries
1) Their main business was french fries(I've never come across such a joint until today)
2) They sold French Fries with 10 kinds of sauces(I've never come across such a joint until today)
3) Unlike McDonalds or other such fast food joints, who sell burgers and also french fries, these guys sell FRENCH FRIES and a veggie burger along, so its the other way around(interesting)
4) LOTF is a 100% veggies joint
5) I found their veggie burgers better than McDonald's burgers.
5) Inspite of all the above mentioned exceptions, they were doing great business and that explains human's love for french fries.
Anyways we picked up 2 burgers and 2 fries and a coke(now this coke has become obligatory with junk food) I took the mexican salsa sauce with my fries for the sole reason that the name sounded good and later found out that the choice was a mistake, it sucked big time. Gaurav picked up african sauce( we had no idea what it was when gaurav asked for it). The burger was good and so were the fries.
Anyways, after our stint at LOTF and after I gobbled up my fries and burger and after gaurav managed to finish just the fries and stored his burger in my bag we left to Victoria Market. We hopped on a tram in swanston street which headed north.