Friday, September 4, 2009

Blogumus, The Flash widget

What do you think of the flash widget that I've set up under Labels? Cool eh? I'm really fascinated by the way the labels just swirl in that space. I first saw this widget in Amanda's blog, A letter from Netherlands.Yesterday I was so fizzed out in office that I wanted to do something for a change and decided to set up the Flash widget for my blog. Googled and found out that the original flash widget by Roy Tanck was customised for blogspot by Amanda Fazani and its called as Blogumus. Setting up Blogumus was surprisingly simple and here we are with a blogumus for my blog. Only after setting up Blogumus did I found out that I seldom tag my blogs, just two tags were swirling in the empty space of blogumus, so I rolled up my sleeves and started to tag all my published blogs and fed Blogumus and boy did Blogumus started looking good :-)


Anonymous said...

Hi Karthik nice to read about Blogumulus. I hope I will put it for my blog also.I wish I will read more interesting topics like this...........

karthik said...

thanks sarath!