Friday, July 10, 2009

Males : Biologically irrelevant

Two days ago there was an article in bbc that said that scientists have engineered a human sperm in the lab. Its just another news article in bbc, neither was it a celebrated post not was it "breaking news" but it was news to every human male or for that case any male animal or insect in this world that the biological purpose of its existence is no more. Objectively speaking, the species of this world doesn't need a male any more for its propogation.
I seriously don't have any words to describe what those darn scientists have done. The reason that the scientists have offered for their research was seriously funny to me, those scientists wanted to help the females whose husbands/partners are infertile to conceive it seems. gimme a break man, like as though if those females donot conceive the human race would become extinct. With the world groaning with human over population I seriously cannot justify the motive provided for such research, thats why I propose a conspiracy theory. My theory is that some revengful female scientists whose partners have abandoned them, embarked upon a mission to set this world free of these philandering males and thus researched and engineered the human sperm. Man, when there are so many things that are direly needed to be engineered in this world, like say a human heart or lungs which could've stopped illegal organ traficking, why did those scientists engineer a sperm, something that is abundantly available in India and China.
There is solace for men though because of the social importance men hold, so men won't become obsolete even though they've become irrelevant now. I wonder what this means to the animal world, lions for instance where males exist just to copulate and propogate their genes and protect a pride from other lions, this research has made the beautiful lions with their wonderful manes irrelevant to lionesses(Note: lionesses donot enjoy sex like human females do, it is just an act of reproduction with no orgasm involved.) So lions exist just for the viewing pleasure of visiting tourists and wildlife photographers, I wish I could tell this to a lion.